Aseptic Technique: Culture your sample without contamination Virtual Lab

Help a microbiologist prepare a pure culture that can be used to identify a microbe causing an infection! Use good aseptic technique to avoid contamination of the sample, ensure your own safety, and avoid surprise fires in the lab.

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  • Description
  • Features

About the Aseptic Technique: Culture your sample without contamination Virtual Lab

This simulation, along with “Fermentation: Optimize bio-ethanol production,” was adapted from learning objectives in the original “Fermentation” simulation. For more information on this topic, see Labster's Microbiology simulations.

A patient sample has arrived in the microbiology lab. Will you be able to culture it using good aseptic technique? Learn about aseptic technique and what you should pay attention to when preparing a sterile work area, sterilizing equipment and reagents, and decontaminating the work area after you finish your experiment.

Preparing a sterile field

你will start off by preparing the sterile work area. Use your own microbiology knowledge, the tooltips, and theory pages to ensure you are using good aseptic technique. Don’t worry if you make a mistake and your work area is not quite sterile. In the virtual lab, Dr. One can guide you to repeat some steps without losing several hours like you would in the physical lab.

Culturing and cleaning up

Next, you will culture your sample and the appropriate control using sterile equipment and reagents. Once you have placed your samples in the incubator: it’s clean up time! Dr. One will again guide you if you accidentally contaminated one of the samples or accidentally set the lab on fire.

Analyzing your results

After the incubation, check your samples to see if you have used correct aseptic technique throughout the experiment. Will you be able to create a pure culture that the microbiologist can use to identify an unknown microbe?


Fermentation: Optimize bio-ethanol production


Get started now

Help a microbiologist prepare a pure culture that can be used to identify a microbe causing an infection! Use good aseptic technique to avoid contamination of the sample, ensure your own safety, and avoid surprise fires in the lab.

Techniques in lab
Culturing, Aseptic Technique
Learning objectives

At the end of this simulation, you will be able to...

  • Understand the principles of aseptic technique for the prevention of infection and contamination
  • Create and maintain a sterile work area
  • Use sterile equipment and consumables correctly
  • State potential sources of microbial contamination
  • Assess whether a sample was contaminated
Simulation features

Accessibility mode: Available
Languages: English (United States), German, Spanish, Italian, French


Alignment pending


Alignment pending


Alignment pending
