


由原子序数分类的所有已知元素概述。从第1〜8号柱1包括1个氢,3个锂,11个钠,19个钾,37个铷,55个铯,87个植物和119个单余期。2至7行的柱2包括4个铍,12镁,20钙,38个锶,56钡和88个镭。从行4到7.柱3的柱3至12包括21个钪和39钇。第4柱包括22个钛,40锆,72铪和104 rutherfordium。第5栏包括23种钒,41个铌,73钽和105杜氏糖尿病。第6栏包括24铬,42钼,74钨和106个Seaborgium。第7栏包括25个锰,43粒,75铼和107个波西米。第8栏包括26根铁,44钌,76锇和108个千升。第9栏包括27个钴,45铑,77铱和109兆米。 Column 10 includes 28 Nickel, 46 Palladium, 78 Platinum, and 110 Darmstadtium. Column 11 includes 29 Copper, 47 Silver, 79 Gold, and 111 Roentgenium. Column 12 includes 30 Zinc, 48 Cadmium, 80 Mercury, and 112 Copernicium. Column 13 to 17 from rows 2 to 7. Column 13 includes 5 Boron, 13 Aluminum, 31 Gallium, 49 Indium, 81 Thallium, and 113 Nihonium. Column 14 includes 6 Carbon, 14 Silicon, 32 Germanium, 50 Tin, 82 Lead, and 114 Flerovium. Column 15 includes 7 Nitrogen, 15 Phosphorous, 33 Arsenic, 51 Antimony, 83 Bismuth, and 115 Moscovium. Column 16 includes 8 Oxygen, 16 Sulfur, 34 Selenium, 52 Tellurium, 84 Polonium, and 116 Livermorium. Column 17 includes 9 Fluorine, 17 Chlorine, 35 Bromine, 53 Iodine, 85 Astatine, and 117 Tennessine. The last column, column 18, from row 1 to 7 includes 2 Helium, 10 Neon, 18 Argon, 36 Krypton, 54 Xeon, 86 Radon, and 118 Oganesson. Lanthanides and actinides are extra rows at bottom.

