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What are虚拟实验室?
虚拟实验室模拟允许学生在华体会赞助ac米兰线完成实验室实验,并探索抽象概念和复杂的理论,而无需进入物理科学实验室。Labster模华体会赞助ac米兰拟可以在分子层面可视化科学,从而为学生提供开放的访问权限。然后,他们可以运用科学知识,并使用先进的实验室设备来解决现实世界中的挑战,例如DNA和基因测序,化学反应和癌症治疗反应。游戏化的3D学习虚拟环境可能是实验室,森林或我们虚构的系外行星的森林或沙漠平原 - Astakos IV,并与引人入胜的讲故事和评分系统相结合。
实验室provides STEM curriculum-aligned virtual laboratory simulations within biology, biochemistry, genetics, biotechnology, chemistry, physics and more.
Why use Labster虚拟实验室?
实验室helps your students succeed
实验室can help increase learning outcomes. Instructors who teach with Labster often observe that average student grades increase by one letter grade or more.
Increase Student Engagement
Get Students Comfortable with the Lab
科学实验室可以机汇erwhelming and dangerous place if your students don’t know how to interact with it. Labster provides learners with a realistic virtual lab simulation before they run any physical experiments. That means students can make mistakes and repeat their experiments as many times as they need without any real-life consequences.
Save Time Grading and Easily Track Student Progress
实验室lets you see everything your student does on the platform, including the number of quiz attempts, quiz question responses, duration of play, and final grades earned. That way, you can keep continuous tabs on your students’ progress and use behavioral data as feedback to make adjustments.
Train Students to Think Scientifically
实验室is more than a laboratory simulator. We’re your trusted teaching assistant, giving your students the context they need to fully grasp the theories you’re teaching and make connections with their previous learning. Labster storylines pose problems that pique students’ curiosity and involve them in using data and observation to arrive at solutions.
Continuously Enhance Your Science Curriculum
Get pre-packaged learning modules
Labster与所有主要的LMS(学习管理系统)集成在一起,以便教育工作者可以使用其成绩手册来跟踪学生的表现数据,学生可以记录其工作。Labster与帆布,黑板,Moodle,Google教室,学校学,Sakai和Brightspace / D2L兼容。也可以使用没有LM的Labster。